BE well
Last night, I was speaking to someone about The Winter House. Over the course of the conversation we found ourselves wondering one thing: If given one minute to tell a story. Sixty seconds to send the message. What would it be?
In Target the other day I found a jar of lotion. I’m endlessly curious about the make up of other products besides my own. This was a body lotion. Brand new, fabulous branding, right at eye level. 1.5 ounces for $27.99. I almost passed out.
I looked at the ingredients. Was it organic? Possibly. Surely the company would have had to pass some rigorous standards to procure that label. Or their lawyers would have had a snazzy way of saying it without saying it. That's the burden of know things. You know what is and you know what isn't. You know what costs and you know what doesn't.
My friends, it does not cost even one-on hundredth of that to make 1.5 ounces of lotion.
The Winter House lotions and creams are made using pure olive oil, organic coconut oil, locally-made beeswax, and vitamin E. Our lotion contains no PEGs or Paraben derived ingredients. Made using high levels of Sunflower Oil and rich in Vitamin E, our glass jars of handmade lotion can be purchased in a variety of scents. We also sell our product unscented for our buyers who want to create their own scent experience using their own oils.
- No PEGs
- No Sulfates
- No Parabens
- No Phthalates
- Gluten Free
- Vegan
We live in a capitalistic society, that much is true. But I don’t think we have to BE capitalistic. That’s the part that made me sad, standing in that aisle holding that $27 dollar jar of whatever-it-was. The wave, upon wave of feeling in society that to acquire is a necessity. To plunder is acceptable. That "if they can do it, then so can I?" mentality. Why?
Why not simplify? Why not give instead of take?
The Winter House company was founded with one very practical mission: Turn one dollar into two, and we still hold true to that mission today. But I am equally proud to say our company mission has expanded over the years to also include our mission for ourselves.
So I minute? What would I say?
If given sixty seconds to convey a message it would be a simple one: be well.
BE well.
To yourself, but especially to others.
Be kind. Do good things.
Be humble. Don’t take advantage.
Share your spirit. But steer clear of those who would bruise it.
Be grateful. Use your gifts to the glory of those who gave them.
Don’t waste. Not your time, not your resources.
And if you have to make a dollar off another, make only what you need.
Be well, my friends.
Happy Holiday Season.