Our Herbal Facial Steam is SUCH a strong contender my favorite item of all time. It is so close to my heart because it is literally the work of the sun, the rain, the wind, and my time and two hands. These are the herbs I grow in my garden, then cut and dry in my house (which makes every day smell like an herbaceous garden at home!) A blend of Spearmint, Chamomile, Cone Flower, Calendula, Lemongrass, a dash of Rosemary and Oregano, and a few rose petals for a pop of color. Gorgeous!
To use: Scoop desired amount into a pot if water and set to boil. Once it is boiling, remove from heat and place on a table. Place your face a comfortable distance from the heat. Make a "towel tent" over your head and enjoy the Steam for 10-15 minutes as it cleans out your pores and sinuses.